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Upgrade now to add MS Word Essentials to your order—over $50 of value for only $15! 

Secret Microsoft Word hacks that will save you time, aggravation, and money, PLUS give you a better formatted final product even if you use software for formatting!
SIX complete video tutorials on how to use Styles and Track Changes in Microsoft Word

❧ A Sample Word document with revisions so you can follow along with the Track Changes lesson

Don't have time to learn all this?

Grab MS Essentials now and I'll THROW IN a pre-formatted downloadable template so you can literally Copy and PASTE your own words INTO this template and skip a TON of formatting work! ( Additional Value $15 for FREE!)

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A Self-Editing Master Class

Register now for your seat! Like the self-editing track at a writers' conference, only you don't have to put on pants.

What you'll get:

Nearly ten hours of presentations

Videos, audio downloads, plus PDFs of slide decks

A deep dive into self-editing topics like show vs. tell, infodumps, how to beef up your dialogue, and spicing up your action. Shine that diamond!

Here's what you get when you order today. You'll:
be protected by my 30-day no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.
get immediate access for the lifetime of the course.
have access to all future updates.

I'm excited to see you in class—
what are you waiting for?
