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Upgrade now to add MS Word Essentials to your order—over $50 of value for only $15! 

Secret Microsoft Word hacks that will save you time, aggravation, and money, PLUS give you a better formatted final product even if you use software for formatting!

SIX complete video tutorials on how to use Styles and Track Changes in Microsoft Word

❧ A Sample Word document with revisions so you can follow along with the Track Changes lesson

Don't have time to learn all this?

Grab MS Essentials now and I'll THROW IN a pre-formatted downloadable template so you can literally Copy and PASTE your own words INTO this template and skip a TON of formatting work! 

( Additional Value $15 for FREE!)

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Great (Editing) Expectations$0

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  • 1xGreat (Editing) Expectations$0

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Great (Editing) Expectations
Build your editing team and figure out the production process... without driving yourself crazy.

You typed The End and you're ready to publish (Congratulations—that's a BIG DEAL), but you have no idea what comes next or how to build your production team.

You've researched self-publishing and it's a confusing mess—you just need to know the next steps to take right now... The marketing and sales and all that can wait. 

You know you need to start looking for an editor, but you don't even know where to begin. Or you've started looking at editors' websites and they're all starting to look the same. Worse yet, what if you get someone who doesn't know what they're doing? You've heard the horror stories (cue Psycho music).

But look, it doesn't have to be that way. You can find an editor who gets you, who will be a part of your team, someone who's invested in your success.

That's where Great (Editing) Expectations comes in. You'll be able to make a game plan for producing your book so you can get from The End to clicking Publish. You'll be confident in your choices for your production team, because by using my proven method, you'll find your perfect production team. 

So come on in!

  • Learn the best places to find candidates (hint: it's not Google).
  • Get a step-by-step by process to vet candidates. You'll be able to sort out the winners from the wieners.
  • Avoid two big pitfalls when you're selecting what services you need.
  • Know when to level up your production process.

What you'll get:

  • An hour and a half of videos
  • Detailed info on each stage of editing
  • A discussion of all aspects of finding your production team
  • A fillable workbook and checklist to help you when you start looking for YOUR team.

Here's what you get when you order today. You'll:
be protected by my 30-day no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.
get immediate access for the lifetime of the course.
have access to all future updates.

I'm excited to see you in class—
what are you waiting for?
